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Men’s Health
At Prairie Health and Wellness, we appreciate the exclusivity of Men’s Health. We take pride in our ability to manage hormone replacement with advanced hormone testing, not just testosterone. We have a sizeable skillset, offering customized treatment options to advance Men’s Health.
Coronary Artery Disease is the leading health concern for men over the age of 50. We use cutting edge labs from True Health Diagnostics to see a more detailed picture of cardiovascular health. In addition to the standard cholesterol panels with calculated LDL, we measure the actual LDL particle count and size, ApoB, Lp(a), ApoE, LpPLa2, homocysteine, CoQ10, Omega’s, and more. We are the only office in Kansas that offers the FDA approved Endotheial Function Scan, EndoPAT. We also use advanced screening tests through outside facilities, including Coronary Calcium Score and CT Coronary Angiography.
We recognize the importance of lifestyle changes as one of the most impactful ways to optimize men’s health and reach wellness goals. We have an in-house DEXA scan to accurately measure body composition. This is an excellent way to track lean muscle mass and body fat percentage, in the whole body and by specific body areas. Our NewU Program is another tool to learn how to make and maintain healthier lifestyle choices.
We provide screening options for prostate and colon health. PHI is a way to screen for prostate cancer through simple blood tests. The recommended age to begin screening for colon cancer is 45, and colonoscopies are the standard for screening. Colonoscopies can also prevent cancer, by removing pre-cancerous polyps. Dr. Davis has had additional training and has performed over 7,000 scopes. He also participates in Fair Market Health, providing fair cash prices for colonoscopies and EGDs.